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Settlement Agencies

Settlement agencies provide services to help you adjust to your new life in Canada. Many of the services they provide are free and all information is kept private and confidential.

Many settlement agencies have staff who can speak languages other than English. If you go to a settlement agency and they do not have the service or language you need, they will help you find another agency that does.

Settlement services typically include:

  • interpretation and translation of documents
  • help filling out forms and applications
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
  • help finding a job or training
  • assistance in finding housing
  • information about other community services, schools and health care.

You can find more information about settlement agencies in your area by visiting the Government of Canada’s website.

Disclaimer: Any assistance a settlement agency provides, must still comply with our document requirements to be accepted by CAPR.

Health Match BC Bursary Program

The British Columbia Ministry of Health has announced a new bursary program which supports internationally educated physiotherapists. The program offers financial support related to credentialling assessment including but not limited to, the cost of assessment, language tests, and bridging programs.

Health Match BC will be administering the program in cooperation with the British Columbia Ministry of Health.

Further information on the bursary program is available: