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Employment Letters

At times during the Educational Credential and Qualification Assessment process, CAPR will require applicants to provide employment and/or reference letters for proof of supervised clinical practice in certain specialty areas.

The employment details should be submitted in the form of a letter (in English or French) [providing the time period the applicant was employed, total hours worked with your clinic], areas of practice, the hours worked in each area and if it was paid employment.

Applicants will be notified in writing if employment letters are required in assessing their file. These documents should only be submitted if required as it is unnecessary to spend time, effort and money to submit such documentation.

The employment letter should be mailed directly from the employer to our office at:

The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
Attention: Credentialling Program
1243 Islington Avenue, Suite 501
Toronto, ON  M8X 1Y9